Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Spent a lovely night in the anchorage at Bodkin Creek. Dinghied to "Props" restaurant for crab cake sandwiches and beers. Left Bodkin at 1030. The plan was to meet "Charmed" in the anchorage behind Gibson Island in the Magothy River. All was going well until the wind picked up quickly while Code Zero was flying. Our speed hit 8.2 knots and Jim decided that maybe we had toooo much sail up. Why "Ooops"? Because Jim wanted to do the manly thing and furl by himself - well, the sail wadded up as it furled and began to flog wildly. He managed to furl it in a disheveled manner, we put up the gib and away we went. Later in the anchorage, it was refurled and no damage was done. Had a great evening with Debbie & Craig - dinner & a new game, "Liars Dice".

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