Sunday, July 3, 2011

Arrival in Atlantic Highlands

It has been WAY too long since I posted. I'll give a very condensed version - great time in Annapolis area with Jon & Yvonne. Elena's visit was fun; then off to meet Sally & Conrad and Ray & Susan. On Tuesday, the 28th we said good-bye to "Hooligan" & set off up the Chesapeake with "It's About Time". Sailed and motored to Ordinary Point on the Sassafras River. Next day did an 80 miler to Cape May, NJ: then left next morning and did an overnight up the Jersey coast (23 hours)to Atlantic Highlands behind Sandy Hook. We actually sailed more than half the time and it was a fine trip. Friday was kind of a lost day since we were all pretty tired. We will be here til July 5th. Emily & Joe (daughter & new husband), will come for a visit from Binghamton, NY & Jamie & Liz (son & girlfriend) will meet us here on Tuesday morning to travel up the East River with us.

1 comment:

Pam Richards said...

Hi Laurie and Jim - wondered where you were. We're in Boston area for awhile in our RV. Met Destiny and Cambia in town yesterday. Are you going to Maine?
s/v Blackfoot