Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We Met Our Sailing Hero!

Yesterday we sailed & motored further up the Chesapeake to Solomons MD. It was a long trip - about 60 miles & it felt longer because the wind died and the flies were biting & it was very hot. We anchored in Back Creek just before a strong thunderstorm came through. Once again our Manson Supreme anchor did its job very well. We decided to hang out here at least at couple of days because it is a beautiful spot & the weather is going to be bad (thunderstorms & rain). So today we got into the dinghy to explore - at the marina right across from where we are anchored I saw the boat "Quetzal". This is the name of John Kretschmer's boat. But, thought it was impossible that this could be "His Boat". We decided to stop and get a gallon of gas for "Porty"; so that we could check this out further. There were three guys working on the boat. We got our courage up to ask him if he was "John" - and he said yes! For those of you who aren't familar with John Kretschmer - he is an amazing sailor; sailed around Cape Horn in a 32 foot Contessa. He is also a writer - one of our favorite sailing books is "Flirting With Mermaids". For years we have followed his adventures and were thrilled to meet him. That memorable meeting will stay with us forever!

1 comment:

Siesta dos said...

Great story, great boat. The Contessa has reportedly made more trans-oceanic crossings than any other single boat. When a Dutch sailor that we met while cruising decided to single hand from England to Newport RI and back very early in his sailing life he chose the Contessa 32. Sailed over, stayed seven days, sailed back. When I asked why he didn't stay longer, he said "I vent for the sailing not the visiting". He and his wife now live aboard a monster Choy Lee 44 LDM in Curacao. The amazing sailor Ray Hall also sailed a Contessa 32 around Sodus Bay.